Standard calculator orders usually ship within 2 days. For a personalized order, you will be contacted by an Advantage team member by email to discuss details. Once you approve proofs, your order will print and ship in about 2 weeks. Do you have a tight deadline? Call us at 800-323-6809 or at 617-742-3222.
Boost Your Retirement Account! Wise Investor® Calculator
Our “Boost Your Retirement Account! calculator inspires immediate increases in contribution levels by showing the effect of contributing just 1% more of one’s salary.
Standard calculator orders will have a blank space where the “sample" text is printed in the photo.
Personalized orders will be printed with a logo and contact or program information on 1 side in black or one color ink.
We’re here to answer any questions and happy to assist in any way. Please call us at 800-323-6809 or email Kirby at if we can be of assistance!